Who am I?
Two of my gud frnds
whom i really care about last day threw me a ques..
M i making joke outta dem ?
Here is da young gals response
All through this time when i was close to you, you played wid me...
Play wid her..My god
Think wats dis playing is worth for, I spent dozens of sleepless nite waiting to hear her response, when she was away,( yeah I know she wasnt away like dat wat she is now)..and she says m playing.. :O
Now I really dont kno, if i cant see her,I heard her voice only a few times, all the time i read her replies in messenger and replied wid my broken hand..she says m playing wid her..now wats da trophy m getting outta it..if she admits dat she loves me and cares about me, Will i get a noble prize? or a olympic gold medal...all i ever anted to talk to her..coz i liked being wid her..not because she was heavenly beautiful..but she was da one who let out da kid in me..we really had a gud time wid all those h after s replacing r by l ..j by t..several called me insane..yet i happily took it..but I doon understand y she calling me traitor..all i had done is..i interactedwid her wid a purpose of getting frnd..not getting her love..Love ..lolz wats dis love stands for in internet..itz only time to spend..so dat we can ease the pain of the reality..to be ourselves..lolz she thot i planned to put her in my arms......
And dere is dis nice gal..wenever m low and crying she is dere wid helping hands..she had got her sum1..but yet she never given me any less treatment dan wat wud hav she given him too..she never failed to say me sorry after any big fight..and she always returned back to me..and wat m doing to her..nuffin..everytime i make her worried and come crying..I just used her a lot like my own diary to tell her all my secrets to comfort me...and i always used her as A TV set..whom i always say that she is making me one..but for last few days..I m getting real obsessed about her..may be i don kno her..i havnt seen her..may be dis curiosity is making me
..getting moire closer to her..and I really don understand ..y I m getting addicted of her?
Jus wen i expected to get an answer from her..dat who am I?..She gave her answer..
"plz :) dis is stupid i know but thr r things which r better not mentioned coz dey r bout the real me not bout sarah"
So ...
and m back again wid da same question" Who am I?"
In jus days whole of my world changed...let it be for some1s good..else..wats da use ?
Take care