Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fine, Thank you Sir.

What is love??? Is it the butterflies or the everlasting darkness....

What I think is if one think the later.. then it is time to prepare for a move on... coz a relationship with adjustments and compromise may last long but will never be counted as a 'happily ever after'.

Love is like grapevines.. more you care.. more it blossoms.. but if you wanna make it to wine.. you never use the word... compromise and adjustments... and that is the secret of a great wine.. you just need to accept the conditions and then start loving... nor the reversal where compromises and adjustment follow...

Anyways life is tough.. and love can not be the food, shelter or clothing.. one need to work for it.. and that is where relationships differs from is not a shortcut.. that one fall in marries ... and both grow old in each others arms..there is 40 long years to survive... and that is the reality......

I am not that much in poetic english.. what I know is.. if the words..adjustment ,compromise and dark comes up together .. it means....what it means......

Few days back .. my ex called me... she told me the reason why she dumped me.. or rather was forced to dump me..and then said the words that .. I am avoiding my phone was on charger and I was on my bathroom trip..then comes the message.. I deleted you of my life...I didn't call back..coz after all she was my ex even if it was her choice...and one day or the other she will need to abuse me and get over that she can move on...

I felt bad.. but it doesn't pinch me anymore...I have learned one thing in from life... there is nothing important than oneself............they wanted a change.. you change.. they will say you don't stick to your character.. they wanted a change.. you didn't.. they will say you are not flexible...In short they will always have an excuse when they kick your ass.. and you have to live with it ...and pretend like there is nothing wrong ..coz if you don't...then like your ex the whole world will name you .." A**HOLE "...

So you there is nothing wrong.. so that people when ask  .."How are you, Sir??" You can answer. "Fine, Thank you Sir.".

PS: My phone screen and mic..cracked...when it was thrown towards the bed.. and it found the floor instead...In short..frustration weakens your aim ... :) ....A few days phone repair break might be good for the health

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