Ahhhh!! I was waiting for so long to utter these magical words.... :P
I m back
and believe me ..
I am feeling like Arnie :p
I was off for I guess some 17 -18 days..and whole world went upside down...
There was this
wonderful dedication for me in
Preetilata's page....A
beautiful piece of Acrostic ...of course it flew above my head....but guys....she dedicated it to me only.... :D..that was just
more than awesome of her...and I so love her for that....
The Dedication
I guess it is my fst time to be appearing in a post without any other guy diluting my existence.....
Love ya loads preeti...and wateva I understand of poems..urs rock :P
Pop Legend...MJ passed away and like usual.. media's playing blame game and throwing dirt at the legend even wen he was on for his last rites...though I was not much a fan of MJ but he deserves respect ...
May God bless the soul of the departed and give peace to ones surviving the wrath.....
oops wrong pic :p..see the bottom one.. :P
Rakhi auntie started her reality Swayamvar :P ...at firs I thought it was some comedy show just given good anti-publicity ...but wen I saw the fst episode...ok!!
I m sorry I watched the first episode... don't kill me for being curious :D....it was devastating :P....... A
TICKR line of MTV conveyed the best...
the fst reality show where the winner will be a looser...lol!!!! .Only Rakhi can survive this much amount of foolishness onscreen...
Pritam da....will doobofy the name of Bengali music clan....it is gore to find him copying shamelessly :D....lol I think
copyright to his dumb brain means Right to copy :D... I fink he is rite now having too much of Garam chai ki pyali with our own Anu uncle :P
I missed three
bdays of three beautiful blogville gals... Pallavini, Keshi and Nehya .....I guess they won't shoot me...if I wish them belated wishes here on my page.....ohhhh!!!
sumone just said I din't missed Nehya's and she is so secretive about it..I saw someone wishing her on FB...where she shouted her wish to wear bikini without going for a swim on her bday ......
So Happy bday gals :) love u loads...... May all ur dreams come true :P especially if it is of having a date with me :D with u paying the bills ...lol....
PS: I missed u all a lot.....and thanks to all of u for remembering me ..... :P and I won't mind if U come and lie that u missed me ;)..... I will catch up with all the updates of ur blogs soon :)..love u all